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What is geocaching?

Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

At its simplest level, geocaching requires these 8 steps:

  • Register for a free Basic Membership.

  • Visit the "Hide & Seek a Cache" page.

  • Enter your postal code and click "search."

  • Choose any geocache from the list and click on its name.

  • Enter the coordinates of the geocache into your GPS Device.

  • Use your GPS device to assist you in finding the hidden geocache.

  • Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location.

  • Share your geocaching stories and photos online.

There are many other levels to the game. Keep reading the guide to learn more!

There are a lot of icons in the world of geocaching. Here the ones you are likely to see the most:

 Favorite Points - The blue ribbon identifies how many Favorite Points a cache has received. Favorite Points are awarded by Premium Members to the caches they have enjoyed most.
Cache Types - each cache type represents a different variation of how to play the game.
Attributes - Attributes communicate what to expect at a cache location. Cache owners may add specific attributes to a cache listing before submitting it for review.
Cache Log Icons
Trackable Log Icons - These icons indicate actions associated with Trackables.

Trackable icons are also commonly seen on the site. These icons represent unique series of Trackables. There are hundreds of these icons. You can learn more about each series on the Trackables' pages.

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